Germany’s unwavering support of Israel throughout its war on Gaza has drawn criticism from the UN’s special rapporteur on the state of human rights in the occupied Palestinian territory, who declared that “it’s time to wake up to reality.”
“How can this be forgiven?” Francesca Albanese posed the question in a social media post on Germany’s submission to the International Criminal Court (ICC) contesting a warrant request for the arrest of Israeli authorities for alleged war crimes in Gaza.
Germany might remain “quiet in the corner of history, but you are making every effort to make it wrong, once more,” according to the UN envoy.
“I recognize. the stress that you have experienced. The Holocaust was carried out by the Third Reich, which the majority of common Germans allowed to occur (other Europeans either stood by or encouraged it). the feeling of obligation. Its dimension collective,” wrote Albanese.
She went on, saying that Germany struggled to defend both “the security of Israel (or its apartheid?)” and the supremacy of international law.