The general overseer of the No Gree For Satan Ministry and a Nigerian, Prophet Metuh, has reversed his earlier prediction that the world would end on April 25.
According to Mr. Metuh’s X account, the prophecy was not fulfilled because he and his church members made global pleas.
“The Lord showed us mercy,” he wrote. He heard us after our 21-day prayer and fasting campaign, and extended our lives. #rapture2024 #rapture: Prayer works.
On March 19, Mr. Metuh stated that the Lord had placed him in a trance twice and shown him signals that predicted these future happenings.
He made it clear in a video that he uploaded on his X account that the date stopped critics cold and that it wasn’t a fluke.
“The world has come to an end; the apocalypse is imminent,” stated his post. That’s just the way things are. It was quite plain to me, do you get it? The Lord healed me, and I saw the date quite clearly. It has happened twice, as he mentioned twice.”
“If you want to, take it seriously; if not, don’t take it seriously, but this is true: on April 25, 2024, rapture will occur. I could really see it. I saw the date very well; it has happened twice, and the Lord has ministered it to me twice. I saw two mountains and myself in a trance.
He also urged people to begin thoroughly reading their bibles as a means of getting ready for the rapture.
In the meantime, on April 11, he uploaded a new video to his Facebook page, asking Nigerians to join him in a 21-day fast and prayer campaign asking God to alter his mind on the day that the rapture will occur.
The prophet also said that the total solar eclipse that took place on April 8 across Mexico, the United States, and Canada was a sign of the rapture.
“I have not been myself since the Lord revealed to me the rapture that is coming on April 25,” he declared. The signals are already all over the place, but people are not prepared for what is about to happen, therefore they are not taking this seriously. These are the indicators that it went dark throughout the day in Canada only the other day. I’ve been pleading with God to reconsider in my prayers.
But hours into the day and even into the next, Nigerians were still waiting for the prophet’s revelation to materialize. Several tweets were directed at him asking for the particular time of day the rapture will occur.
Most people are now discrbing his as a false prophet.