The cremated remains of Sir Shridath “Sonny” Ramphal, who was hailed as Guyana’s architect and a global statesman who toiled diligently even in his last years to maintain this nation’s territorial integrity, were interred at the Seven Ponds Place of Heroes in the Botanic Gardens yesterday. The funeral service was held nationally at the Promenade Gardens.
President Irfaan Ali and other Caribbean leaders paid tribute to the renowned lawyer and diplomat, affectionately known as “Sonny,” yesterday. He was a lifelong supporter and unwavering in his fight for developing nations, and he witnessed Venezuela honor the 1899 Arbitral Award. At the age of ninety-five, he passed away at home in Barbados on August 3.
Known as “Sonny” to those who knew him well, the distinguished attorney and diplomat was a lifelong advocate and unwavering in his fight for developing countries. President Irfaan Ali and other Caribbean leaders paid tribute to him yesterday, marking the 1899 Arbitral Award’s honoring by Venezuela. in the age of 95, he passed away in his Barbados home on August 3.